Sense of Self:
- Shows ability to adjust to new situations
- Demonstrates appropriate trust in adults
- Recognizes own feelings and manages them appropriately
- Stands up for rights
Responsibility for self and others:
- Demonstrates self-direction and independence
- Takes responsibility for own well-being
- Respects and cares for classroom environment and materials
- Follows classroom routines
- Follows classroom rules
Prosocial behavior:
- Plays well with other children
- Recognizes the feelings of others and responds appropriately
- Shares and respects the rights of others
- Uses thinking skills to resolves conflicts
Physical Development
Gross Motor:
- Demonstrates basic locomotor skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping)
- Shows balance while moving
- Climbs up and down
- Pedals and steers a tricycle (or other wheeled vehicle)
- Demonstrates throwing, kicking, and catching skills
Fine Motor:
- Controls small muscles in hands
- Coordinates eye-hand movement
- Uses tools for writing and drawing
Cognitive Development
Learning and Problem Solving:
- Observes objects and events with curiosity
- Approaches problems flexibly
- Shows persistence in approaching tasks
- Explores cause and effect
- Applies knowledge or experience to a new context
Logical Thinking:
- Classifies objects
- Compares/measures
- Arranges objects in a series
- Recognizes patterns and can repeat them
- Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence
- Shows awareness of position in space
- Uses one-to-one correspondence
- Uses numbers and counting
Representation and Symbolic Thinking:
- Takes on pretend roles and situations
- Makes believe with objects
- Makes and interprets representations
Language Development
Listening and Speaking:
- Hears and discriminates the sounds of language
- Expresses self using words and expanded sentences
- Understands and follows oral directions
- Answers questions
- Asks questions
- Actively participates in conversations
Reading and Writing:
- Enjoys and values reading
- Demonstrates understanding of print concepts
- Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
- Uses emerging reading skills to make meaning from print
- Comprehends and interprets meaning from books and other texts
- Understands the purpose of writing
- Writes letters and words
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool