Infants & Toddlers

Social/Emotional Development-To learn about self and others
Learns to:
- Trust known, caring adults
- Regulate own behavior
- Manage own feelings
- Respond to others’ feelings with growing empathy
- Play with other children
- Become a member of a group
- Use personal care skills
Physical Development-To learn about moving
Learns to:
- Demonstrate basic gross motor skills
- Demonstrate basic fine motor skills
Cognitive Development-To learn about the World
- Sustain attention
- Understand how objects can be used
- Show a beginning understanding of cause and effect
- Show a beginning understanding that things can be grouped
- Use problem-solving strategies
- Engage in pretend play
Language Development-To learn about communicating
- Develop receptive language
- Develop expressive language
- Participate in conversations
- Enjoy books and being read to
- Show an awareness of pictures and print
- Experiment with drawing and writing

The Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos